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Sulit Menjinakkan Kacer? Yuk Coba Trik Ini!

Ekormurai.com – Bagi para penggemar burung kicau, kacer menjadi salah satu jenis burung yang sangat diminati. Selain suaranya yang merdu, kacer juga memiliki penampilan yang menarik. Namun, meskipun sudah memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam merawat burung, beberapa orang masih merasa sulit untuk menjinakkan kacer. Apabila Anda mengalami hal yang sama, jangan khawatir karena ada beberapa trik yang bisa dicoba agar kacer Anda lebih mudah dijinakkan.

Sulit Menjinakkan Kacer? Yuk Coba Trik Ini!

Sulit Menjinakkan Kacer? Yuk Coba Trik Ini!


Kacer or the Javan Myna bird is a popular pet bird in Indonesia. However, many bird owners find it difficult to tame their Kacer, especially when they are still young. Taming a Kacer requires patience, dedication, and the right approach. In this article, we will share some tips and tricks on how to tame your Kacer.

Understanding Your Kacer’s Behavior

The first step in taming your Kacer is to understand its behavior. Kacer birds are social animals that love to be around other birds and humans. They are also intelligent and can quickly learn new things. However, they are also territorial and can be aggressive towards other birds or humans if they feel threatened.

Building Trust with Your Kacer

To tame your Kacer, you need to build trust with it. Start by spending time with your bird every day. Talk to it, offer it treats, and play with it. You can also place a mirror in its cage to keep it company. When you approach your Kacer, do it slowly and gently. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that can scare your bird.

Training Your Kacer

Training your Kacer requires consistency and patience. Start by teaching it simple commands such as stepping up onto your finger or going back into its cage. Use positive reinforcement such as treats or praise when your bird follows your commands. Repeat the training sessions daily until your Kacer learns the commands.

Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment

Kacer birds need a safe and comfortable environment to thrive. Ensure that its cage is spacious enough for it to move around freely. Provide it with fresh water and food daily. You can also add toys and perches to its cage to keep it entertained.


Taming a Kacer requires patience, dedication, and the right approach. By understanding your bird’s behavior, building trust, training it, and creating a safe environment, you can successfully tame your Kacer. Remember to be consistent and patient, and soon, your Kacer will be a happy and friendly companion.

Demikianlah beberapa trik yang dapat Anda coba untuk menjinakkan kacer yang sulit dijinakkan. Perlu diingat bahwa setiap burung memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda, sehingga Anda harus sabar dan terus mencoba sampai menemukan metode yang tepat untuk kacer Anda. Selain itu, pastikan juga untuk memberikan perawatan yang baik dan memenuhi kebutuhan burung tersebut agar ia dapat tumbuh sehat dan aktif. Dengan kesabaran dan ketekunan, Anda pasti dapat menjinakkan kacer kesayangan Anda. Selamat mencoba!

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